How To Get Referrals On Facebook

How to get referrals on Facebook

Have you been struggling with how to get referrals on Facebook? Well, if you have, then this is for you. Getting referrals has a wonderful feeling attached to it for business owners.

Imagine getting new customers because a returning customer informed them about your efficient services. Such feeling is unexplainable.

Referrals are recommendations and Facebook is no doubt a great tool of referrals for all businesses, and today, we’ll be focusing on how to get referrals on Facebook. You see, if you know how to maximize it properly, Facebook can be a great source of referrals for your business.

Scroll through the Facebook newsfeed and you’ll notice people asking their friends for business recommendations/referrals for their goods and services and most of their services range from restaurants to cleaners to daycare. And you’d be surprised to find that it is actually working and at how many people it may bring your way.

Seeking the right method to generate new valuable buyers for your business can be quite stressful. This is why giving referrals go a long way for sellers in promoting their businesses because many of them struggle with getting persons to buy their products.

What are business referrals?

Business referrals happen when someone in your network recommends your business to someone who has never patronized you in the past.  This may happen naturally, spontaneously, or unintentionally during random conversations or it could also come off as a result of a good marketing scheme.

However, the results are new clients. Like I mentioned earlier, this might be difficult to achieve, but with Facebook, it is simpler than you think. Getting referrals from Facebook is possible and simple, so I have taken my time to enumerate some basic strategies to show you how to get referrals on Facebook effortlessly.

Allow followers to share your posts

allow others to share your postsOne of the most effective ways to get referrals on Facebook is to allow your followers to share your posts on Facebook. You could also make it clear to them how they can share it. Make it known to them that you can get referrals from their friends on Facebook.

It might sound ridiculous but some Facebook users who do not know that the share button exists talk more of making use of it. So by constantly mentioning and describing what the share button looks like, it will help ensure that your followers make use of it to support your business. Who knows, your customer might be the friend of your friend on Facebook.

Ask at the appropriate time

There is a particular point in time when your customer has a big interest in the service you’re rendering even before the job is done. Tap into the opportunity and kindly ask for a referral at that time.

A favour asked at an imperfect time is an unamendable mistake. Few words spoken at the imperfect time is a total turnoff. Most sellers find it more convenient to ask for referrals at the end of a transaction. Sometimes, they do this because they want to be sure that the transaction goes well first. I mean, what customer would want to recommend you services when they weren’t even satisfied with it.

Of course, this is logical intelligence which I am not against, but sometimes, the better time to ask a client for a referral is when the conversation fo the job is ongoing.

Give referral worthy services

referral worthy serviceIn order words, what I mean by this is that you provide your customers with jaw-dropping services. To get referrals on Facebook, you must be ready to give referral worthy services and make it a habit to always deliver at the expected time. By doing this, you automatically get referred without canvassing for it.

You should also be tapping into your existing customer base as a source for business referrals. This should be coupled with a great hospitality spirit and a great sense of humor.

Offer incentives

We all know everyone loves to receive gifts and there are numerous ways to offer this to them while you get them on your side. What I mean is that you could place an incentive on your page for your followers to purchase your products and get something for free.

As an example, you could offer a discount on their next purchase or a gift for a specific amount of item. If someone sees such an offer, why wouldn’t they buy and also ask their friends about it just for the tip?

 Identify the right people with the best connection on Facebook

The social media platform has about 2.80 billion monthly active users while there are 1.84 billion users that are visiting the social networking site daily. Amongst the billions of people on the social media platform, are your clients and your right connections.

As we all know that there are certain people on every social media platform who focus basically on influencing businesses and social media pages. Your business can be one of them. By just paying a token, you get advertised and referred by them.

Also, ensure that any influencer you’ll be meeting for this must be one who has a good influencing ground and enough followers. The number of viewers matters a lot.

Always recognize and appreciate your referral sources

Thank youA little gesture of appreciation is a great gesture and this is because many persons like to be appreciated.  Little wonder children are taught to regard “thank you” as a magic word.

Always appreciate your referral sources. This could be done through a simple phone call, an email, a handwritten note, or an expression on your timeline on Facebook.

A thank you note is never old-fashioned. If for anything, it could make your clients want to patronize you again. And just in case you don’t know how to go about writing one, you could go with the format below;

Thank the recipient within the first paragraph, followed by a few brief details regarding the impact of their referral. You can include a second paragraph if you have something else you would like to add, like providing a referral in return or encouraging future business.

Offer a referral commission

incentivesA referral fee is a type of commission paid to a referrer in a transaction—a person responsible for bringing new clients to your business. Sometimes, this fee is paid in exchange for the business introduction, but more often, it is tied directly to a sale as a gift or discount in the prices of the product.

It’s not a requirement, it’s a courtesy, although some people won’t provide leads without the promise of a referral fee a referral commission goes a long way and it’s a very smart move.

A referral fee in construction should not exceed the amount you normally budget for marketing and advertising. In essence, you don’t have to cheat yourself to pay a referral fee. You can even add it to the cost of the item. Your buyer would never know.

Remind your customers why your company is amazing

There are thousands of businesses, agencies, webs, and the rest out there. So there is a need to remind your customers why you’re amazing and they should pick you. This can be done by sending weekly or monthly newsletters, welcome notes on your Facebook and so many other pleasant ways.

Give Referrals

To get referrals on Facebook, you must learn to give referrals also. Naturally, it has been proven that if you give, it shall be given unto you as well.  If there’s a business you know that offers great and recommendable services, you can recommend the business to your customers.

By doing this, you’re indirectly telling the other business owner he/she owes a referral debt. If you’ll be doing this, you are not to refer to someone trading the same product as you. You might end up losing your customers to him/her. That’s like losing at both ends.

Create a chatbox

There’s no way we’ll be talking about how to get referrals on Facebook without talking about the Facebook messenger. Private messaging apps like messenger have now spread through a wide network and thereby allowing users to communicate with their friends.

To create a chat box is one thing, to use it effectively is another. In a conversation with a client, you should learn to speak in a formal yet friendly manner. You should speak in an active voice; own your actions.

Speak Like a Professional. Use short, clear, declarative sentences. Short sentences focus your message and make it easier for your audience to follow. Avoid fillers such as um, actually, really, to make a long story short, etc. They distract your audience and make you sound insecure.

Showcase your best service for referral

When trying to get referrals off Facebook, one of the first things to do is to create content showcasing your best service to the public for a referral. If people are going to recommend your business, then they have to be certain that you would deliver what you have said that you would.

So when you have uploaded your best service on your Facebook, those who have been captivated by the service will surely patronize you or. they may end up referring you to their family and friends


If you don’t know how to get referrals on Facebook, I believe that this article will help you achieve that feat.

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